CDC & WHO Crimes Against Humanity
Published research 1st March 2006 shows neurodevelopmental disorders in children has decreased following removal of thimerosal, a preservative containing the neurotoxin mercury, from American childhood vaccines. The World Health Organization has urged CDC against the banning of Thimerosal in U.S. vaccines since that prohibition might discredit WHO's third world inoculation programs. WHO, with U.S. funding, is now injecting children in developing countries with the same amounts of Thimerosal we were giving American kids at their highest exposures, but in a shorter time period.
This supports the fact that mercury is a neurotoxin in all required vaccines, from schools to medical staff and flu shots and that the 50% mercury in every dental amalgam filling given over the last century and still propogated into all welfare recepients is cripling patients and the health system.
The medical symbol contains the knowledge of pathogenesis since 1500 BC; In the course of disease illustrated by the staff of mercury, the nematode snake, and vectored flight.
Sludge is the source of 80-100% airbourne disease from toxic mercury scavenger nematode in natural science, the helminth in medical literature, the roundworm in medical conditions and lymphatic filariasis considered incurable cancer. There is no difference between 3rd world disease and industrial disease, one is infectious disease the other late stage disease from sludge spread in town, on crops, harvested for lifestock and by air.
The Phylum Nematoda - Die Fadenwürmer has been known since 1500 BC only recently rediscovered, appearing on the path of mercury decomposing polluted mud and sludge. Once released into air its host form is taken from pressure as it polymorphs host DNA skin and depicted as a snake thus increasing genetic variables, most active at night in the cause of cold climate change lowering localized temperatures. From direct contact with infectious sludge you can read my discovery, time line and attempted cover-up. Ground breaking connection between mercury, sludge and nematode on the nematode forum.
Have you reported your problem with mercury in medical and dental products to the FDA?
Showings (no new dates): Mercury in Toothousand re-produced by Ubi_Vision, & QueckSilber produced by Dr Robert Gammel on those 'not silver fillings'. View The Trailer
Zogby Survey
87% support the law that prohibits the sale of mercury products
79% did not know mercury is a primary ingredient in "silver" dental fillings
More than 80% support a ban on continued use of mercury fillings